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the other side: catholicism

Luis Lopez was raised nominally Catholic, found a relationship with God through Protestantism, and eventually returned to his Catholic roots after exploring the true claims of their doctrine.

Macklen Scribner shares his journey to confirmation as a Catholic, and what he found compelling about their doctrines and teachings. We discuss the true Catholic beliefs about the sacraments, veneration of the saints, confession, and penance, and the role the church plays in the life of a practicing Catholic.

Father Francis shares about the history and practices of The Benedictine Order, the purpose of the sacraments and how they lead a Christian along the path of holiness, and what kind of authority the Church carries in the lives of believers.

Taylor Pircey joins me to reflect on everything I've learned from the previous interviews, and hearing why she decided to get confirmed as a Catholic. We also continue our discussion of Catholic beliefs about the Sacraments, salvation, and the Saints.

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